The concept
The Rotomac Icebreaker 165 SG is the first rewinding machine redesigned by Icona for IMS Technologies. The machine produces household plastic rolls from large industrial reels and now features a linear and harmonious design that breaks with the past. The main goal of Icona’s designers was, in fact, to converge all carters to a reduced number of geometric planes to improve the overall look and feel, combining beauty and functionality within an industrial machine. Following this concept, all curves have been organized on the same axis of the roller. Colors have been brought to a variation of grey tonalities and the brand name Rotomac has been highlighted with a LED reactive material; thanks to its photosensitivity, it now changes color according to the status of the machine. This is the start of a family feeling for the renewal of the entire Rotomac Icebreaker series.

“We bring beauty and functionality to industrial machinery.”